Deagon fruit 🐽
Have you ate dragon fruit? , A dragon fruit is the fruit of several cactus species , most importantly of the genus Hylocereus . It is native to South and Central America , belong to perennial epiphytiic plant. It is also commercially cultivated in Vietnam, Thailand , Malaysia , Israel as well as Srilanka. There are three types of Dragon fruit species, 1. Red colour fruit coat with white colour flesh .
2.Red colour fruit coat with red colour flesh .
3.Yellow colour fruit coat with white colour flesh .
Dragon fruit important as a fruit as ornamental plant. Ripen fruits can be used as directly to consume. Also it can be used for produce jam, icecream , jelly , fruit juice as well as Wine. Dragon fruit buds can be prepared as a curry . Dragon fruit increases the digesting power of the foods . Also it has ability to control cancer , diabetics , high cholesterol as well as blood pleasure .
Dragon fruit can tolerate poor soil condition and temperature variations . Tropical climate is good for dragon fruit cultivation . The optimum temperature range is about 20c°-30c° also it needs about 500-1500mm annula rainfall with alternate dry and wet climactic condition . It need good sunlight , but not sutaible for long period . At that time shadinf is important .
Fruits will be matured 30-35 days after flowering . Fruiting period will continue up to November . Harvesting can be done six times within tjis period .
Outer cover of immature is in bright green colour . It will become red in colour with ripening . Proper time of harvesting is after four days of colour changing. But for export purpose ,it is important to harvesting a day after colour changing .
Now dragon fruit is also popularizing in Sri Lanka . It can be cultivated low country wet zone, intermediate zone as well as dry zone aswell as dry zone with the irrigation facilities . In sri lanka Department of Agriculture is conduction resarch to improve the cultivation .
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